$total = getSize('.'.$path); // total size of stuff ?>( folders, files)
01/17/25, 06:21pm | ||||
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECTORYLISTER v0.7.01 modded by glenneroo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2003-2004 Gabe Dunne gdunne@quilime.com You can use this without license, but I'd love to see it in use. It has many upgrades to be made. Download the source here: http://quilime.com/?p=opensourcePHP VERSION HISTORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES to version 0.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Major overhaul of how the directory is parsed - Security Revamped - Option to check if there's an index file, if there is, it will automatically redirect ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates to version 0.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Minor security fixes - Ability to display full local file system - Recognize files with more than one . in them. (test.test.test.test.txt, for example) (Kev@virtualkev.com) - Ability to remove excess path from the displayed path. e.g /var/www/html/mystuff can now be displayed as just /mystuff (Kev@virtualkev.com) - Added an Icon Mod available for download at: http://quilime.com/?p=opensourcePHP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates to version 0.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Exceptions (Exclude any file or folder named something specific) Unique Exceptions (Exclude one single file/folder) Exception Classes (Exclude certain file formats) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates that probably will not happen, but may be available in the future as a mod. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Uploading Password - protected folders Statistics .log file (download counts, folder views, list of IP's) option: tree mode (page stays the same) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- My server is a Linux machine running Red Hat 9 with Apache2 and PHP 5. I attempt to design my scripts to work on as many platforms as possible, so if you find a bug that may be platform specific, please do not hesitate to drop me an email. © 2003, 2004 gdunne@quilime.com, http://quilime.com */ // config //////////////////////// // // // Define exception files and folders. // $iconpath = '../dirlistericons/';// Path to the icon folder // If you do not want to use icons, you can simply just not have an icon folder // or you can set this variable to NULL or ''; // // Examples: // "./some/folder/index.php" // unique exception (hides the single file: ./some/folder/index.php ) // "./some/other/folder/" // unique exception (hides the single folder: ./some/other/folder/ ) // ".htaccess" // global exception (hides all .htaccess's) // "somefolder/" // global exception (hides all somefolder/'s) // $exceptions = array( // ".htaccess", ".htpasswd", $iconpath, // hiding the icon folder ".".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], // hiding this file "index.php", "/" // hide / for good measure ); // define a specific file extension that you always want invisible // // Examples: // "php" // excludes all *.php files // "desc" // excludes all *.desc files // // $exceptionClasses = array( //"php", // hides all php files //"html" // hides all html files ); $indexFileCheck = FALSE; // check to see if an index exists $indexFiles = array( // array of checked index files 'index.html', 'index.php' ); $web_url = 'http://www.quilime.com'; // base url $calcExceptions = FALSE; // Calculate file/folder exceptions into the total size? (FALSE is default) $rowNumbers = TRUE; // Show row numbers? (TRUE is default) ////////////////////////////////// function parent_dir($path) { $dirs = explode('/', substr($path,0,-1)); if (count($dirs) <= 1) // if no parent directory { return '/'; } else // go one level up { return $dirs[count($dirs)-2].'/'; } } function read_directory($path) { global $files, $folders, $exceptionClasses, $exceptions, $web_url, $indexFileCheck, $indexFiles; $dir_handle = @opendir('./'.$path); // directory recursion // if(!$dir_handle) { $dir_handle = @opendir($root); $path = $root; } // if folder isn't there, go back to root $i=0; // var used to increment $files array $j=0; // var used to increment $folders array while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) // Loop through everything in the selected $path and assign the contents to an array of files and an array of folders { if($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_dir($path.$file)) { $path.$file .= "/"; // add a slash to directories } $fileExt = ereg_replace("^.+\\.([^.]+)$", "\\1", $file); if(in_array($fileExt, $exceptionClasses) || in_array($path.$file, $exceptions) || in_array($file, $exceptions) || in_array($path, $exceptions)) { continue; } // skip if exception if($indexFileCheck) { if(in_array($file, $indexFiles) && $path != './') // if file is in the indexfiles array, go to the first one it finds { header('Location: '.$web_url.'/'.$path.$file); } } if (is_dir($path.$file)) // if file is a directory, add to the $folders array, increment the counter, and continue { $file = preg_replace("/\//", "", $file); $folders[$j] = $file; $j++; continue; } $files[$i] = $file; // if file, add to the $files array and increment the counter $i++; } } closedir($dir_handle); // close directory } // get file extension function GetExt($ext) { $filetype = array( 'avi' => 'Video File', 'avi' => 'Video File', 'bat' => 'Batch File', 'css' => 'Cascading Style Sheet', 'exe' => 'Executable', 'fla' => 'Flash File', 'swf' => 'SWF Flash File', 'gif' => 'GIF Image', 'dir' => 'Director File', 'html' => 'HTML File', 'htm' => 'HTM File', 'inc' => 'Include File', 'jpg' => 'JPEG Image', 'jpeg' => 'JPEG Image', 'mov' => 'Quicktime File', 'mp3' => 'MP3 File', 'mp4' => 'MPEG 4', 'msg' => 'Email Message', 'pdf' => 'PDF Acrobat File', 'psd' => 'Photoshop File', 'php' => 'PHP File', 'ppt' => 'PowerPoint Presentation', 'txt' => 'Text Document', 'wma' => 'Windows Media Audio', 'xls' => 'Excel File', 'zip' => 'Zip File', 'ttf' => 'True Type Font', 'sql' => 'SQL File', 'rpm' => 'RedHat Package Manager File', 'doc' => 'Word Document', 'png' => 'PNG Image', 'psp' => 'Paint Shop Pro Image', 'obd' => 'Microsoft Binder', 'nrg' => 'Nero Project', 'iso' => 'ISO Image File', 'bmp' => 'Windows Bit Map', 'ini' => 'INI File', 'inf' => 'INF File', 'hlp' => 'Help File', 'reg' => 'Registry File', 'log' => 'Log File', 'chm' => 'Compiled html', 'db' => 'Database' ); $type = isset($filetype[strtolower($ext)]) ? $filetype[$ext] : 'Undefined File Type'; return $type; } // format size function formatSize($size) { $kb = 1024; // Kilobyte $mb = 1024 * $kb; // Megabyte $gb = 1024 * $mb; // Gigabyte $tb = 1024 * $gb; // Terabyte if($size == 0) { return "(empty)"; } if($size < $kb) { return $size." Bytes"; } else if($size < $mb) { return round($size/$kb,2)." kb"; } else if($size < $gb) { return round($size/$mb,2)." mb"; } else if($size < $tb) { return round($size/$gb,2)." gb"; } else { return round($size/$tb,2)." tb"; } } // get amount of files, dirs, and formatted size function getSize($dir) { global $exceptions, $exceptionClasses, $calcExceptions; $files = 0; $dirs = 0; $memory = 0; $hidden = 0; if ($dir_handle = @opendir($dir)) { while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { if($file != "." && $file != "..") { $dir .= "/"; $dir = preg_replace("/\/\//", "/", $dir); // error check: makes sure there are no double slashes if (is_dir($dir.$file)) // add a slash to directories { $dir.$file .= "/"; } if(@is_dir($dir.$file)) { if (!$calcExceptions) // skip if exception { if (in_array($dir, $exceptions) || in_array($file, $exceptions) || in_array($dir.$file, $exceptions)) { continue; } } $sizeBuild = getSize($dir.$file); $files += $sizeBuild[0]; $dirs += $sizeBuild[1]; $memory += $sizeBuild[2]; $dirs++; } else { if (!$calcExceptions) // skip if exception { $fileExt = ereg_replace("^.+\\.([^.]+)$", "\\1", $file); if (in_array($file, $exceptions) || in_array($fileExt, $exceptionClasses) || in_array($dir.$file, $exceptions)) { continue; } } $memory += @filesize($dir.$file); $files++; } } } closedir($dir_handle); } $size[0] = $files; $size[1] = $dirs; $size[2] = $memory; $size[3] = $hidden; return $size; } $root = "./"; // script root directory reference $GET_path = isset($_GET['path']) ? $_GET['path'] : NULL; $path = NULL; $path_dirs = explode('/', './'.$GET_path); // explode folders into array foreach($path_dirs as $dir_list) // create legitimate path (for security) { $path .= (!empty($dir_list) && $dir_list != '.' && $dir_list != '..' ) ? urldecode($dir_list).'/' : ''; } if (!is_dir($path)) // if not a real directory, stop { $path_parent = NULL; $path = NULL; read_directory($root);// recurse files } else { $path_parent = parent_dir($path); // assign parent directory read_directory($path); // recurse files } ?>